Garage Door FAQ What is the Lifespan of my Garage Door

Garage Door FAQ: What is the Lifespan of my Garage Door?

Every property's central part such as the roof, water heater, HVAC system, electrical controls, and the garage door has a standard life expectancy before replacing it. And you can prolong their lifespan by doing efficient and regular maintenance…
Lubricating garage door rollers

Get Useful Tips on How to Fix a Squeaky Garage Door

Are you annoyed and tired of hearing your noisy garage door or that squeaking garage door of your neighbor? That is a sign that the garage door is calling your attention for its maintenance. Opening and closing your garage door may cause stress…
What You Should Know in Replacing Garage Door Panels

What You Should Know in Replacing Garage Door Panels

Decades ago, overhead doors had a solid one-piece panel that opened and shut. This type is called a single panel garage door, and it is still being used today, although it is uncommon nowadays due to modern garage door standards. In this…
Garage Door Rollers Common Issues That You Need to Know

Garage Door Rollers: Common Issues That You Need to Know

Rollers for garage doors are a key component of your garage door system and are very important in making our lives easier. The rod-and-wheel systems are connected to a set of tracks, allowing you to open and close the door smoothly even with…
Learn These 4 Steps To Get Rid Of Garage Door Rust

Learn These 4 Steps to Get Rid of Garage Door Rust

A garage door is like a double door that fits within a wall structure or frame and is more durable than sheet metal doors. It protects and secures your home, increases home value, and creates the first impression of your home. It is, however,…
7 Steps To Align Your Garage Door Safety Sensors (1)

7 Steps To Align Your Garage Door Safety Sensors

Have you had any experience wherein you have to get out of your car just to open and close your overhead door by hand every time you leave or return home? Yes, your garage door isn't working as it used to be. If this is the case, you may need…